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Each year in June we hold a special BBQ dinner for all our members & volunteers
Volunteers get a certificate of appreciation for all their hard word during the games and throughout the year - Thank you to all, could not do it without you!

Lindsay Haney

Lucia Haney

Bob Mitchell

John Downs

Ed & Stephanie Lynch

Ina Goodling

Nancy Young

Kristel Partlow

Denis Kernes

Crystal & Jake burns

Jim Irwin

Karen Abercrombie

Mary Ellen Rech

Carol Galloway

Disiree Domingues

Geoff Dunham

Mathew & Kathy Poole

Jenny Abercrombie

Annie Vlach

Jeff Haynes

Jackie McKnight

Rhonda Igo

Nick Haynes

Suzanne Hansen

Will McCafferty

Mary Ewing

Jan Lockhart

Holly & Ted Nelson

Bruce & Diana Marshall

Brenda Gagnon

The KC Scottish Society relies solely on membership, donations and sponsorships and is strictly run and operated by volunteers. None of our volunteers including the Chieftain and Members of the Board of Directors, are financially compensated or are employees of KC Scottish Society


We would like to have more events and fun things to do but cannot do it with only a few people helping. If you have some time, ideas, or knowledge to share, we would LOVE to hear from you!


Most of these opportunities are just a few hours a month.
We are looking for about three members for the Membership and
Planning Committee Positions.
Membership Committee - keeping member spreadsheet updated, meet to brainstorm to recruit new members. creating a membership kit/perks
(All suggestions and ideas will be passed through our Board Members for approval)
Promotional Media* - We would like every one to get involve on this! Entails helping to get the word out through printed media, wearing KCSS T-Shirts, possibly putting a KCSS decal on your car
Volunteering Coordinator - mainly during our games events, contacting and scheduling volunteers.
Planning Committee - Meeting to brainstorm for fundraisers, places to meet, helping with Community Partnership Program, assist with event planning
(All suggestions and ideas will be passed through our Board Members for approval)
Photographer - take pictures during our events, ensuring we get a signed photo release form from  attendees. Get photos to web designer on a timely basis.
Set/Up & Break Down - needed for events

Click the CONTACT US button at the top of this page and let us know what you can do to help us out!   

Thank you! - Tapadh Leat!

PO Box 41202
Bakersfield, CA 93384




We are a 501c3 Non-Profit Educational Corporation.
We rely solely on membership, sponsorship and donations!
Your support is greatly appreciated!
Copyright 2023: All rights Reserved

Website owned and managed by Board Members of KCSS

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